Networking Event
Calendar of Events
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MBA’s Construction Industry Evening of Excellence
MBA’s Construction Industry Evening of Excellence
Babst Calland joins the Master Builders' Association (MBA) for its Construction Industry Evening of Excellence on Thursday, February 28, 2019. The Construction Industry Evening of Excellence is our region's most successful and anticipated event due to the world-class projects that compete in the Master Builders' Association Building Excellence Awards. For more information, click here.
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Center for Theater Arts’ “Reach for a Star” Gala Fundraiser
Center for Theater Arts’ “Reach for a Star” Gala Fundraiser
Babst Calland joins Center for Theater Arts for its "Reach for a Star" Gala Fundraiser on Saturday, March 9, 2019. Event proceeds go to providing all students, including those with special needs, with the highest quality performing arts instruction that supports the development of self-image and self-confidence. For more information, click here.
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DRI Seminar – Toxic Torts and Environmental Law
Attorney Alana Fortna will co-present "Suing State and Local Governments over Laws and Permits" at DRI's Toxic Torts and Environmental Law Seminar, March 13-15, 2019. Local and state environmental regulation often conflicts with federal and state law. This presentation will survey litigation strategies regarding the intersection of constitutional and environmental law. This is the premier gathering for the defense bar, focusing on litigation tactics, science, and regulatory updates. For more information, click...
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PBA Environmental & Energy Law Section MS4 Roundtable – Stormwater Strategies and Solutions
PBA Environmental & Energy Law Section MS4 Roundtable – Stormwater Strategies and Solutions
Attorney Jean Mosites will be the moderator for the MS4 Roundtable - Stormwater Strategies and Solutions Program for the Environment and Energy Law Section of the Pennsylvania Bar Association (PBA) on Thursday, March 14, 2019. State and local agencies and professionals with firsthand knowledge and experience will address permits and projects for municipal separate storm sewer systems (MS4s) in southwestern Pennsylvania. This program is of interest to municipal solicitors, managers and anyone involved in the management...
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ASPIRE Pittsburgh 2019
ASPIRE Pittsburgh 2019
Attorney Christian Farmakis will moderate Conventional to Non-conventional Financing... and everything in between at ASPIRE Pittsburgh on Thursday, March 21, 2019. Every year ASPIRE connects thousands of local dealmakers, including middle-market CEOs, top PE and VC firms, major lenders and leading service providers. With sessions ranging from raising capital to buying and selling companies to alternative asset investing, this conference covers the breadth of the M&A landscape. For more information, click here....
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2019 NAIOP Pittsburgh Awards Banquet
2019 NAIOP Pittsburgh Awards Banquet
Babst Calland joins NAIOP for its Annual Awards Banquet on Thursday, March 28, 2019. For more information, click here.