Attorney Susanna Bagdasarova will present “Digital Law: Navigating AI in Legal Practice” at the Western Pennsylvania Chapter of the Association of Corporate Counsel’s (ACC) Spring Training on Friday, April 26, 2024. The last year has been characterized by a rapid increase in the interest and awareness of artificial intelligence (AI). This session will provide an overview of the rapidly evolving landscape of AI and its implications for legal professionals. It will cover the fundamentals of artificial intelligence, recent regulatory developments, available legal AI tools, and key considerations for in-house counsel. Join the ACC as they gain insights into developing internal AI use policies and practices, navigating AI use by outside counsel, and understanding and addressing key risks associated with AI implementation by employees and third party vendors, including intellectual property, privacy, and cybersecurity. For more information, click here.
Attorneys Gina Buchman, Betsy Dupuis and Jean Mosites will present the following topics at PBI’s 2024 Environmental Law Forum, April 10-11, 2024:
Gina Falaschi Buchman (“Basics of Federal and Pennsylvania Air Pollution Regulation”);
Betsy Dupuis (“Land Use/Zoning Law Update”); and
Jean Mosites (“Climate Change Litigation: Past, Present and Future”).
For more information, click here.
Gina Buchman
Betsy Dupuis
Jean Mosites
Attorney Justine Kasznica will present “Space Lawyers and Out of this World Legal Adventures” on February 21 for the PIPLA monthly meeting to discuss the “life story” of Astrobotics and IP and tech licensing. For more information, click here.
On Wednesday, November 8, 2023, Babst Calland Corporate and Commercial Attorney Mary Binker along with Ben Clapp will present “Purchase and Sale of Environmentally Distressed Properties” to the Western Pennsylvania Chapter of the Association of Corporate Counsel (ACC). This two-hour CLE that will provide an in-depth review of legal considerations associated with the purchase and sale of environmentally distressed properties from both the Purchaser and Seller’s perspectives. For more information, click here.
On August 23, 2023, Mackenzie Moyer will be facilitating one of the breakout groups for the CLE Objection! An Interactive Educational Experience on Diversity and Bias Issues in the Legal Profession. Partnering with the Pennsylvania Legal Aid Network (PLAN), the Pittsburgh Legal Diversity & Inclusion Coalition (PLDIC) will be hosting the CLE and it will use animated vignettes, polls, and group discussion to “explore realistic workplace situations and contemplate issues, viewpoints, and ethical issues.” The CLE will dive into and explore issues of race and gender within the legal profession. For more information about the event, click here.
Litigation Attorney Katrina Bowers will co-present “Devil’s Advocate: Crossing the Line of Zealous Advocacy” at EMLF’s 44th Annual Institute on Monday. June 19, 2023. As zealous advocates, attorneys dance on the blade of aggressive advocacy and persuasion. This presentation will explore this delicate dance through the lens of real-life examples. For more information, click here.
Last week, the Babst Calland Women’s Initiative and the Firm’s D/E/I Committee kicked off a joint CLE series covering diversity, equity, and inclusion topics. The series will feature multiple sessions throughout 2022 and 2023, starting with the first session on June 29, 2022 titled D/E/I Basics: What is DEI and why does it matter? The first presentation and discussion was led by Kellie Ware, the Director of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, for the Allegheny County Bar Association, and future sessions in the series will build upon this foundation to address a variety of D/E/I topics and issues relevant to the legal industry.
Attorneys Kathy Condo and Carla Castello will present a CLE program on “Class Action Lawsuits – The Basics” on Thursday, March 24, 2022. Class action litigation arises in various contexts, including environmental contamination, consumer protection, antitrust, product liability, pharmaceutical drugs, civil rights, data breaches, and workers’ rights. Given the liability exposure in class action cases, obtaining (or defeating) class certification is viewed as a critical milestone. This course is designed to provide a brief overview of class action litigation and the requirements for class certification under federal and Pennsylvania law, and provide case studies from our practice applying those certification requirements in ongoing litigation.
Kathy Condo
Carla Castello