February 24, 2017

Established Evidentiary Standards for Special Exception Applications

The Legal Intelligencer

The Pennsylvania Municipalities Planning Code, 53 P.S. Section 10101, et seq., (MPC), the state law establishing the framework for zoning and land use development regulations in Pennsylvania, authorizes a municipality to adopt a zoning ordinance containing provisions permitting uses of land by special exception administered by the zoning hearing board. Pennsylvania courts have consistently explained that a “special exception is neither special nor an exception,” but rather a use of property expressly contemplated by a local governing body to be consistent with the overall zoning plan and the health, safety and welfare of the community, as in Freedom Healthcare Services v. Zoning Hearing Board of New Castle, 983 A.2d 1286 (Pa. 2009).

The law in Pennsylvania concerning the evidentiary standards applicable to special exception applications is well-settled. An applicant for a special exception has both the initial presentation duty and the ultimate persuasion burden as to whether the application: falls within the special exception provision of the zoning ordinance; and satisfies the specific objective criteria set forth in the zoning ordinance, as in Bray v. Zoning Board of Adjustment, 410 A.2d 909 (Pa. 1980).

Once the applicant establishes that the objective criteria of the zoning ordinance have been met, “a presumption arises that the use is consistent with the health, safety and general welfare of the community,” as in MarkWest Liberty Midstream & Resources v. Cecil Township Zoning Hearing Board, 102 A.3d 549 (Pa. Commw. Ct. 2014). At this point, the burden shifts to objectors to present evidence and persuade the zoning hearing board that there is a high degree of probability that the proposed use will have a detrimental impact on the surrounding community above and beyond that which is normally generated by the type of use proposed.

February 16, 2017

EPA Final Rule Adds Vapor Intrusion to Hazard Ranking System

The Voice

The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) published a final rule, effective February 8, 2017, adding vapor intrusion as an exposure pathway for consideration under the Hazard Ranking System. 82 Fed. Reg. 9754 (Jan. 9, 2017). The Hazard Ranking System is the screening mechanism used by the EPA to determine whether to place sites on the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA) National Priorities List—the list of priority sites warranting further investigation and possible remediation under the Superfund program. The rule and its potential implications at current and future sites are addressed in this article.

Vapor Intrusion

Vapor intrusion occurs when vapor-forming chemicals from a subsurface source, such as soil or groundwater, migrate into an overlying building through cracks in the foundation or utility lines. Volatile chemicals are most susceptible to vapor intrusion because they evaporate easily. Common examples of vapor-forming chemicals include volatile organic compounds (i.e., trichloroethylene and benzene), semivolatile organic compounds (i.e., naphthalene), and pesticides.

The New Rule

Adding vapor intrusion to the Hazard Ranking System arose out of a May 2010 report of the Government Accountability Office (GAO) concluding that if vapor intrusion is not assessed, there is a concern that sites posing a serious human health risk will not be addressed. The GAO asked the EPA to consider adding vapor intrusion and the effect that it may have on the number of sites that it might add to the National Priorities List. On January 31, 2011, the EPA published a notice asking for public comments on the potential addition of vapor intrusion. In the rationale, the EPA noted that there are contaminated sites that did not qualify for listing on the National Priorities List under the current Hazard Ranking System, but they may be listed if the exposure threat from vapor intrusion is included in the ranking system.

February 15, 2017

An ounce of prevention: Employer-employee agreements


Your company has worked hard to stay competitive in the oil and gas industry—developing a robust customer list, inventing cutting-edge industry techniques and strategizing to ensure successful reactions to rapidly-changing market conditions. Jane is a valued member of your organization, an important leader in your sales group and a part of your strategic planning team. One day, Jane walks into your office and asks for a few minutes of your time. Jane informs you that she is pursuing other opportunities and gives her two weeks’ notice.

You thank Jane for her efforts on behalf of the company and wish her well, but after she leaves you begin to feel panicked. You’ve trusted Jane with your customers and with confidential company information. What happens if she goes to work with a competitor? If she then calls your customers and asks them to move their business to her new employer? If she discloses confidential information, allowing her new employer to steal your competitive advantage?

Advance planning increases business protection and employer control

Now imagine that in response to Jane’s resignation you thank her and wish her well, and then remind her of her post-employment obligations as contained in the non-compete and confidentiality agreement she signed when she began working at the company. Jane may respond that she’s moving forward with the agreement in mind and tell you about her exciting new opportunity in a different field.

If instead Jane expresses her intent to violate the agreement or gives a non-committal response, you are prepared. You immediately develop a course of action to protect your company, by engaging with Jane and/or her new employer and enforcing your rights under the agreement.

Having an agreement like Jane’s in place requires advance planning.

February 10, 2017

Pennsylvania Governor Signs Act Authorizing Municipalities to Provide Fire and EMS Volunteers with Tax Credits

The Public Record

On November 21, 2016, Governor Tom Wolf signed Act 172 of 2016 (Act 172) into law. Act 172 authorizes municipalities to offer tax credits against the earned income and real estate tax liability of certified fire company and nonprofit emergency medical services agency (EMS) volunteers. The purpose of the law is to incentivize current fire and EMS volunteers to remain active and increase recruitment of new volunteers.

Under Act 172, municipalities may establish, by ordinance, an earned income tax credit up to the full amount of the volunteer’s municipal income tax liability, and a real property tax credit up to 20 percent of the volunteer’s municipal real estate tax liability. In this ordinance, the municipality must, among other things, set forth the total amount of the tax credit that will be offered to a volunteer, a process to reject a request by a volunteer who does not satisfy the criteria for a tax credit, and a procedure by which a volunteer can appeal a rejected request.

In order to qualify for a tax credit authorized by Act 172, a volunteer must be an active volunteer, subject to the tax of a municipality that has authorized a credit pursuant to Act 172, and certified pursuant to the municipality’s established “volunteer service credit program.”

Once a municipality authorizes an earned income and/or real estate tax credit, it must create a “volunteer service credit program” with annual volunteer certification requirements. Pursuant to this program, municipalities must consider the following factors when determining a volunteer’s certification eligibility: (1) the number of emergency calls to which the volunteer responds; (2) the volunteer’s level of training and participation in formal training and drills; (3) the amount of time the volunteer spends on administrative and other support services in aid of the fire company or EMS;

February 9, 2017

Employment Law Issues in Pennsylvania’s Medical Marijuana Act

The Legal Intelligencer

Act 16 of 2016, the Medical Marijuana Act (MMA), 35 Pa.C.S.A. §10231.101, et seq., effective May 17, 2016, puts Pennsylvania among the growing number of states permitting the use of marijuana for prescribed medicinal purposes. The MMA, like all state laws purporting to “legalize” marijuana use, squarely conflicts with federal law, which still considers marijuana to be a Schedule 1 substance under the Controlled Substances Act with no legitimate medical uses, see 21 U.S.C. Sections 812(b)(1)(A)-(C); 844(a). The MMA acknowledges: “Nothing in this act shall require an employer to commit any act that would put the employer or any person acting on its behalf in violation of federal law.” The MMA creates uncertainty with respect to the application and enforceability of employer “zero tolerance” and similar policies against the use of illegal drugs, injects new risks into the workplace and adds still more potential claims to the ever-growing list of employment-related causes of action.


The MMA permits appropriately credentialed physicians to prescribe and certify marijuana treatment in various forms—but not in dry leaf or plant for—to patients for any one of 17 chronic “serious medical conditions,” most being debilitating. MMA also establishes the licensing criteria for becoming a certified grower/processor and dispenser of medical marijuana; criminal and civil penalties for diversion of medical marijuana by a grower, dispensary, patient or care giver; and an advisory board to oversee operation of the act. The Pennsylvania Department of Health has issued interim regulations to implement some of the provisions of the MMA and is in the process of drafting more permanent rules.

Employment Provisions of the MMA

Although many of the conditions for which marijuana may be prescribed are disabling, the act addresses the rights and obligations of employees who may be able to work while certified to receive medicinal marijuana.

February 3, 2017

Pennsylvania DEP Invites Public Comment on Controversial Air General Permits for Oil and Gas Industry

Administrative Watch
The Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) has announced the beginning of a public comment period regarding two draft general permits that, if finalized, would result in significant changes to the air permitting regime for oil and gas industry sources. According to a notice published in the Pennsylvania Bulletin on February 4, 2017, DEP also proposes to revise the Air Quality Permit Exemptions document (DEP Doc. No. 275-2101-003) as it relates to oil and gas exploration, development, and production activities. The draft permits and proposed revisions to the exemption document present a number of timing, cost, and other implementation considerations for oil and gas operators.

The first draft permit is a revised version of the existing general plan approval/operating permit known as “GP-5” for compressor stations and processing facilities. The draft revised GP-5 would be available for natural gas compressor stations, processing plants, and, for the first time, transmission stations. It includes a number of conditions that would expand on existing obligations for midstream operators who are accustomed to dealing with GP-5. For example, the revised GP-5 includes specific requirements for the control of methane emissions from storage vessels and other sources.

The second draft permit, known as “GP-5A,” represents an even greater departure from the status quo, as it would require operators to obtain an air permit for “unconventional natural gas well site operations” and “remote pigging stations” for the first time. Production facilities are currently authorized pursuant to the air permitting exemption known as “Exemption 38” in DEP Doc. No. 275-2101-003. DEP treats oil and gas exploration, development, and production activities which fall under Exemption 38 as exempt from the obligation to obtain an air permit.

The Pennsylvania Bulletin notice indicates that DEP intends to divide Exemption 38 into two separate categories, Exemption 38a and Exemption 38b.

January 19, 2017

The Pennsylvania Storage Tank and Spill Prevention Act and oil and gas operations


As we begin the New Year, many of us in the environmental sector automatically look at our new calendars and realize that this is the beginning of a new season of annual regulatory requirements. These requirements range from annual emissions statements and waste reporting to various certification and registration renewals. For those that have containers at one or more sites, you may be (or should be) asking yourself whether any of those containers must be registered pursuant to Pennsylvania’s Storage Tank and Spill Prevention Act, 35 P.S. § 6021, et seq.

What is the Tank Act?

The Tank Act was enacted on July 6, 1989, to: (i) protect surface waters and soil from releases of regulated substances from storage tanks; (ii) provide a statutory mechanism for the cleanup of such releases; and (iii) provide a statutory mechanism to fund the cleanups of releases from underground storage tanks. The regulations promulgated pursuant to the Tank Act can be found in 25 Pa. Code Chapter 245. These regulations cover both aboveground storage tanks (ASTs) and underground storage tanks (USTs).

How the Tank Act applies

Like many environmental statutes, applicability of the Tank Act is dependent on definitions, most notably the definitions of an AST and a UST. Without directly quoting 25 Pa. Code Chapter 245.1 for the definition of an AST, which is too long for this article, there are five main requirements to meet the definition of an AST. The tank must: (i) be aboveground; (ii) be stationary; (iii) have a capacity greater than 250 gallons; (iv) contain a regulated substance; and (v) the tank does not meet any of the 19 exemptions from the definition of an AST.

Similarly, the four main requirements in the definition of a UST are: (i) the tank must be below ground;

January 18, 2017

As Obama Administration Draws to a Close, PHMSA Releases Final Rule for Hazardous Liquid Pipelines

Pipeline Safety Alert

On January 13, 2017, one week before the end of the Obama administration, the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) released a final rule amending the federal safety standards for hazardous liquid pipelines in 49 C.F.R. Part 195 (Final Rule). The Final Rule is the latest step in a lengthy rulemaking process that began with the issuance of a wide-ranging request for public comment in October 2010, followed by the publication of a rulemaking proposal in October 2015 that contained a number of changes and additions to the Part 195 regulations. While still a significant regulatory action, PHMSA narrowed the Final Rule to address public comments, the recommendations of the Liquid Pipeline Advisory Committee (LPAC), and concerns raised by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB). PHMSA established a general effective date of six months from publication in the Federal Register, and various effective dates for specific changes to Part 195.

If previous transfers of presidential power serve as a guide, PHMSA’s decision to release the Final Rule in the last days of the Obama administration may not mark the end of the rulemaking process. To avoid the possibility of being returned to PHMSA for further review by the Trump administration, the Final Rule must be published in the Federal Register by January 20, 2017. Even if that deadline is met, the Trump administration could extend the effective date of the Final Rule, reopen the public comment period, or take other actions.

What’s Changing (For Now)?

In the Final Rule, PHMSA adopts the following changes to Part 195:

Reporting Requirements for Gravity and Unregulated Gathering Lines. Operators of certain gravity lines and unregulated gathering lines must submit annual, accident, and safety-related condition reports to PHMSA.

January 12, 2017

Coming to a Stream Near You? Fourth Circuit Imposes Water Quality Standard Based on Conductivity

Administrative Watch

On January 4, 2017, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit issued a significant decision addressing the scope of obligations owed by a permittee under the Clean Water Act’s National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) program.  Ohio Valley Environ. Coalition v. Fola Coal Company, LLC  (Appeal No. 16-1024).  The case involves discharges from a surface coal mine in West Virginia, governed by a NPDES permit issued by the West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection (WVDEP) pursuant to its authority under an EPA-approved state permitting program.  Although some aspects of the ruling are based upon a regulatory provision that was formerly a part of coal-specific NPDES regulations, the principles approved by the court could be applied to virtually any NPDES permit held by any industrial discharger.

In upholding the district court’s January 27, 2015 decision, the Fourth Circuit panel agreed that a NPDES permittee may be required to meet limits on the conductivity of its effluent (i.e., the ability of water to transmit electricity, based on the number and types of ions) even when no specific conductivity limits are set forth in its permit.  It based this conclusion on general language in Fola’s permit, incorporating by reference a WVDEP regulation specifying that the discharges covered by a NPDES permit “are to be of such quality as not to cause a violation of applicable water quality standards.”  Included among West Virginia water quality standards is a narrative standard that prohibits any discharge of pollutants that “materially contributes” to “a significant adverse impact to the chemical, physical, hydrologic, or biologic components of aquatic ecosystems….” Though conductivity is a property rather than a pollutant, the court held that Fola’s high-conductivity discharges led to conditions that violate this narrative water quality standard and therefore violate its permit.

January 10, 2017

Ohio Jury Awards $17.5M in Damages to Ohio Resident Who Alleged DuPont’s Disposal of C-8 Caused His Cancer

Administrative Watch
A jury in federal court in the Southern District of Ohio recently issued a verdict in the class action litigation related to DuPont’s release of perfluorooctanoic acid and/or ammonium perfluorooctanoate (C-8). The jury awarded Kenneth Vignernon a total of $17.5 million in compensatory and punitive damages after finding that DuPont acted with actual malice in discharging C-8, and that such action caused Plaintiff’s testicular cancer.

The recent verdict is the third to be reached in the lawsuits that have been filed against DuPont due to water allegedly contaminated with C-8, chemicals used by DuPont at its Washington Works plant located in West Virginia. Following the initiation of a class action lawsuit in 2001, DuPont and potential plaintiffs entered into an agreement in which independent epidemiologists (the “Science Panel”) would analyze blood samples of individuals residing near the plant to determine whether C-8 was harmful to humans (the “Agreement”). Under the terms of the Agreement, if the studies established a causal link between exposure to C-8 and any particular disease, DuPont agreed not to contest causation in any subsequent litigation involving that disease.

Between 2004 and 2011, the Science Panel studied approximately 40,000 samples obtained pursuant to the Agreement. In December of 2011, the Science Panel released its results, which concluded there was a probable link between exposure to C-8 and various diseases, including kidney and testicular cancer.

Following the release of the Science Panel’s study results, approximately 3,500 individual lawsuits were brought against DuPont by plaintiffs diagnosed with a linked disorder. In an effort to streamline the litigation, the District Court moved forward with six test cases, two of which ultimately went to trial. In March of 2016, a jury awarded Carla Bartlett $1.6 million in damages.

December 19, 2016

Release of draft permits marks beginning of new era in air permitting


On the eve of Thanksgiving, the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection released two draft general permits that, if finalized, would result in significant changes to the air permitting regime for oil and gas industry sources.

The first general permit is a revised version of the existing plan approval/operating permit known as GP-5 for compressor stations and processing facilities. Although the draft revised GP-5 includes a number of conditions that would create more burdensome obligations for industry, midstream operators are already accustomed to dealing with a general permit. GP-5 (in some form) has been around for a decade. The second draft general permit, known as GP-5A, represents an even greater departure from the status quo, as it would require operators to obtain an air permit for production facilities for the first time. Production facilities are currently authorized pursuant to an air permitting exemption known as Exemption 38.

DEP released the draft permits in anticipation of an Air Quality Technical Advisory Committee (AQTAC) meeting scheduled for December 8. AQTAC advises DEP on the technical, economic and other social impacts of major program changes like this one, and typically reviews a DEP proposal before the formal public comment period begins.

A lot can be said about how this program shift may impact day-to-day operations and possibly increase the cost of doing business in Pennsylvania. But keep things in perspective: these permits are still in draft form and therefore remain subject to change. Although major concepts such as whether to even have a general permit for well sites are unlikely to change, the finer details of the permits will be worked out through a future public comment process. Nevertheless, operators would be wise to obtain a copy of the permits (available at www.dep.pa.gov/Business/Air/BAQ/AdvisoryGroups/AirQuality-Technical-Advisory-Committee/Pages) and take a closer look at the proposed conditions.

December 15, 2016

PHMSA Issues Interim Final Rule on Underground Natural Gas Storage

Pipeline Safety Alert On December 14, the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) released a pre-publication version of an interim final rule (IFR) establishing minimum federal safety standards for underground natural gas storage facilities. The IFR takes effect 30 days from publication in the Federal Register. Since this rule is styled as an IFR, PHMSA will not be providing a public comment period before the rule takes effect.

Comments on the IFR are due 60 days from the date of publication. PHMSA may consider making changes to the rule based on the comments filed. Comments on the new PHMSA information collection request contained in the IFR (related to new reporting requirements for storage) are on a shorter timeframe and are due 30 days from publication.

What’s Changing?

• Downhole Regulation:  PHMSA will regulate the downhole portions (wells and reservoirs) of underground gas storage facilities for the first time. Although PHMSA has had statutory authority to regulate storage since 1968, the agency declined to use that authority for policy reasons. The 2015 Aliso Canyon natural gas storage leak prompted changes to the Pipeline Safety Laws earlier this year, and those changes require PHMSA to regulate storage.

Incorporation of API Recommended Practices (API RP):  PHMSA will incorporate by reference the API recommended practices for underground natural gas storage (RP 1170 for salt caverns and RP 1171 for depleted reservoirs) covering reservoir and well design, integrity and monitoring, risk management, recordkeeping, integrity verification, site security and safety, emergencies, procedures, training and other subjects. Notably, the IFR mandates compliance with the “should” statements and other permissively worded provisions in the API RPs.

• Reporting:  PHMSA will require storage operators to file annual, incident and safety-related condition reports, and file 60-day notices for certain construction activities (new storage facilities, new wells, well workovers) and other changes (acquisitions, divestitures, changes in the responsible operating entity).

December 12, 2016

EPA Issues Regulations for Substitutes to Ozone Depleting Substances under Clean Air Act Title VI

Administrative Watch

The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has recently finalized rulemakings that extend standards promulgated under Title VI of the Clean Air Act (CAA) to substitutes for ozone depleting substances (ODS). The use of such substitutes will now potentially trigger new compliance obligations for many industries.

A final rule published by EPA in November will subject certain substitute refrigerants to new requirements, such as leak rate thresholds, inspection, reporting and corrective action requirements associated with leaks, and sales restrictions of such substances. Under Section 608 of the CAA and 40 CFR 82, subpart F, EPA had previously imposed such requirements exclusively for substances listed as a class I or class II ODS under CAA Section 602. However, within this rulemaking, EPA interpreted its authority under CAA Section 608 to include regulation of many non-ODS, including hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) and perfluorocarbons (PFCs), based in part on its estimation of such substances’ potential to contribute to global warming. Therefore, use of ODS substitute refrigerants that are not exempted from the “venting” prohibition in 40 CFR 82.154 may now trigger additional compliance requirements under Title VI of the CAA, even if such substances are not ODS.

EPA has also finalized a rule pending publication that further restricts the use of many ODS alternatives under its Significant New Alternatives Policy (SNAP) program. Under Section 612 of the CAA, EPA’s latest SNAP rule will restrict the use of several HFCs, hydrofluoroolefins (HFOs), and other refrigerant types within many applications based upon their high global warming potential.

These recent rulemakings indicate that companies should not assume CAA Title VI-related regulations to be limited to ODSs. Rather, even the exclusive use of non-ODS substances may nonetheless incur additional compliance obligations under Title VI.

If you have questions related to these rulemakings or EPA’s regulations pertaining to refrigerants, please contact Michael H.

December 1, 2016

Pennsylvania Mechanics’ Lien Law Amendments: DGS Online Construction Notices Directory in Effect January 1, 2017

On December 20, 2016 Babst Calland will present an informative and timely session on using the Pennsylvania Department of General Services (DGS) online “State Construction Notices Directory,” which lien claimants will be required to use on all construction projects greater than $1.5 million beginning January 1, 2017.

Attendees will receive hands-on training from Babst Calland construction attorneys in navigating the new online directory, as well as learn about the Mechanics’ Lien Law Amendments and how these changes will significantly impact the rights of contractors, subcontractors and suppliers in filing mechanic’s lien claims. This seminar is endorsed and recommended by the following construction trade associations: Master Builders’ Association Of Western Pennsylvania, Inc., Constructors Association of Western Pennsylvania, Pennsylvania Builders Exchange, Associated Builders and Contractors, Inc., American Subcontractors Association of Western PA, and Keystone Contractors Association.

For more information or to register click here.

November 28, 2016

Pipelines are safe

They already are the safest way to transport energy – and getting safer

Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
By Keith J. Coyle

In a recent op-ed published in the Post-Gazette, “Gas Pipelines Represent Prosperity” (Sept. 5 Perspectives), David Spigelmyer and James Kunz described the many benefits that Pennsylvanians could see from the expansion of natural-gas pipelines and related energy infrastructure in the commonwealth. That op-ed prompted a response from Art Wegweiser (Oct. 3), who wrote that Mr. Spigelmyer and Mr. Kunz “seem[ed] to deftly dance around the issue of safety, with only a passing reference to this vitally important aspect” of natural-gas development.

Mr. Wegweiser is right to draw attention to pipeline safety. There are thousands of miles of pipelines in Pennsylvania, and the people of the commonwealth expect these lines to operate safely. He also is right to remind the industry about the effect that significant pipeline accidents can have on people, property and the environment. These events, while extremely rare, demonstrate the importance of continuing to pursue the industry’s goal of zero incidents.

The good news, according to a 2015 report from the American Gas Foundation, “Natural Gas Pipeline Safety and Reliability: An Assessment of Progress,” is that pipelines are safe — and getting safer. As the AGF observes:

• Pipelines are the safest means of transporting energy products. Data compiled by the Bureau of Transportation Statistics show that pipelines have been the cause of fewer fatalities and injuries than the trucking and rail industries over the past decade. Data compiled by the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration show a significant reduction in the number of pipeline incidents involving fatalities or injuries over the past two decades. Reports from the U.S. Government Accountability Office and nongovernmental entities reach similar conclusions.
