Administrative Watch
The Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Division of Oil & Gas Resources Management, recently published new guidelines for applications for a unitization order under Revised Code Section 1509.28. That Section provides the method preferred by the industry for creating units for horizontal drilling where parcels within the proposed unit are unleased. The guidelines are intended to formalize the unitization application process and provide consistency and efficiency in the review process. The guidelines provide notice to applicants that applications lacking information listed in the guidelines will be considered to be incomplete, and will not be processed by the division.
Fifteen unitization application requirements are listed, and can be found at Several requirements of particular importance are:
• Applicants must provide an affidavit setting forth a detailed account of the attempts to lease the unleased properties that includes the date of each attempt, identification of both the person contacted and the person who made the contact, and identification of how the contact was made;
• Applicants must provide a list of all uncommitted working interest owners in the unit which includes the name, address, parcel numbers and the respective acreage of each owner;
• Applicants must submit a statement of why unitization is necessary, a description of the plan for development of the unit, identification of the formation to be produced, estimated value of the recovery of oil and gas for each proposed well, an estimated cost of drilling and operating a well and a designated contact person for the applicant; and
• Applicants must bring large exhibits or slides of maps, cross-sections, gamma ray-density logs identifying the proposed formations to be produced and reserve calculations to the hearing.
The published guidelines also provide additional information concerning revisions and updates to applications, the hearing procedures, requests for continuances of the hearing and the division chief’s action on applications. …