![Public Sector Law](https://dev.babstcalland.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/Public-Sector-Header-Image.jpg)
The issues municipal governments and the private entities interacting with them face are unique and complex. Our dedicated team of public sector attorneys can ease the burden and protect your best interests.
At Babst Calland, our track record speaks for itself. For many years, our public sector law group has developed a deep understanding of the diverse municipal codes and zoning regulations that impact both public and private clients, as well as the many nuances associated with land use, labor contracts, economic development and other local issues.
We’re dedicated to helping you identify and meet any challenges that might arise and offer litigation support if necessary.
Whether you need a short-term legal advisor to handle public bidding or contract negotiations, or a trusted partner to help you navigate the day-to-day issues that affect your municipality or corporation, our integrated team is here for you.
Trust us to serve as your solicitor, special counsel or private legal counsel on matters that matter most to you and your municipality. Our team of attorneys are experienced in all aspects of municipal and public sector law.
U.S. Supreme Court Issues Three Decisions Charting New Path for Federal Administrative Law
Firm Alert
Chevron is overruled; right to jury trial in many agency enforcement actions is guaranteed; and claim accrual date for Administrative Procedure Act claims are fixed. …
The Devil is in the Details (and the Deemed Approval Deadlines)
The Legal Intelligencer
(by Max Junker and Anna Jewart)
Noted wordsmith Justice Michael Musmanno articulated the rationale for the “deemed approval” concept in Pennsylvania land use law noting: “Without this kind of coercive determination, a Board could effectively prevent the erection of needed structures through the simple process of luxurious lolling while spiders of inattention spin webs of indifference over pending public problems.” To avoid luxurious lolling by local governments, the Legislature included mandatory deadlines in the Pennsylvania Municipalities Planning Code, 53 P.S. …
The Coming Storm, PFAS and the Future of Pennsylvania Municipal Authorities
The Authority
(by Michael Korns and Amanda Brosy)
Municipal authorities and other public entities in Pennsylvania have long been familiar with the weight and burden of DEP and EPA mandates and regulations. …
Public Posting 2.0: High Court Creates Test for When Social Media Posts Are State Action
The Legal Intelligencer
(by Harley Stone, Anna Jewart and Alex Farone)
In August of 2023, we discussed the ongoing trend of recent cases to blur the line between public officials’ “public” and “private” digital communications and social media, focusing primarily on two 2023 Pennsylvania Commonwealth Court cases – Penncrest School District v. …
When Standing Won’t Stand – Pennsylvania Supreme Court Rules that a Grant of Party Status by a Zoning Hearing Board Does Not Automatically Convey Appellate Rights
The Legal Intelligencer
(by Michael Korns and Anna Hosack)
Last spring, the Pennsylvania Supreme Court addressed the question of who is entitled to standing in matters before a municipal zoning hearing board, and more importantly, who has standing to file an appeal from a board decision. …
Public Advertising Cheat Sheet: A Local Government Guide to Mandatory Advertising and Posting Requirements
Legal Intelligencer
(by Steve Korbel, Anna Jewart and Anna Hosack)
Last week, thousands of newly elected public officials took office across Pennsylvania and began their duties. …
Section 201 Gag Clause Prohibition Compliance Attestation — Emerging Tech Law Series
PodcastDecember 31, 2023 is the deadline for submission of the inaugural Section 201 Gag Clause Prohibition Compliance Attestation to the Departments of Labor, Health and Human Services, and the Treasury. …
Divided Commonwealth Court Holds Local Agencies are Prohibited from Adding Non-Emergency and Non-De Minimis Agenda Items to the Posted Agenda
Public Sector Alert
(By Max Junker and Anna Jewart)
On June 30, 2021, Governor Tom Wolf signed Senate Bill 554 into law as Act 65 of 2021 which amended the Pennsylvania Sunshine Act, 65 Pa.C.S. …
Babst Calland Ranked in 2024 Best Law Firms®
Babst Calland has been recognized in the 2024 edition of Best Law Firms®, ranked by Best Lawyers®, nationally in 8 practice areas and regionally in 31 practice areas:
- National Tier 1
- Environmental Law
- Litigation –
A Municipality’s Struggle to Remove Resident’s Junk Vehicles: How to Avoid a Quarter Century Fight Over Blight
Legal Intelligencer
(by Blaine Lucas and Anna Hosack)
A frequent, if folksy, recitation of the purpose behind zoning and land use restrictions is to prevent problems caused by the “pig in the parlor instead of the barnyard.” In other words zoning regulations recognize sometimes a nuisance can be caused by putting the right thing in the wrong place. …